Sunday 20 July 2008

The Boys Lately

Well it is summer and it is very hot over here. It gets to about 115 in the shade at 5pm. I thought that I could tough it out but I find myself not as strong. The funny thing is that people over here say that in the winter when it is 65 that you will want to wear a coat because you acclimatise. I have found out that I will be outside in this horrible heat and because the humidity I get a chill. My little Michael has lately decided that he enjoys wearing long sleeve shirts and pants lately. He says he is not hot when we are out. Crazy. He is so funny. I am the primary pianist again. But today I was happy to be it because Jr. actually hummed to some of the songs and waved his hand to conduct. I was so happy. Later on today he was singing a lot. Both my boys have taken a liking to getting the bad guys lately and killing them. Michael goes around saying I'm dead and Zach just shoots and says chase me. They are adorable. Here is a little clip.

Thursday 10 July 2008

4th of July

On the 4th, the Airbase hosted a fair. We went and the boys had a lot of fun. We saw lots of planes and helicopters. Here are some pictures.
Zachary and Mike, Jr. sat at the controls of many different vehicles.

This is the bay of a Rescue Helicopter of some kind. I think it is a version of the Black Hawk.

You can just barely see Zachary under the wing of this C-130 Hercules.

It was Zachary's first time seeing fireworks (no pictures of those). He absolutely loved it. We found we had more fun watching the boys reactions than we did watching the fireworks. Love you all.

Saturday 5 July 2008

For Those Who Know

Rebecca Harlow is getting married and this is a link to her bridal shower blog. You can leave recipes and play games and sign her guestbook. Hope lots of us do. She has always been a good friend to us all, and congratulations.